Enfield oil leak

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Enfield oil leak

Post by watsmoor »

Message from a new owner:
Hi i have recently bought a nauticus 27 the flying enterprise, she was running fine until last week when the gear box started leaking oil it still goes into gear ok but it worries me that its leaking oil, i think the gear box is an Enfield z drive , could you tell me what you think the problem could be and how to fix it, or do you no of anyone who has a gear box that i could buy. Kind regards any many thanks Heathcliffe
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Enfield oil leak

Post by lazyoldriverer »

from what I have gleamed Enfields are v reliable, however most maintenance needs to be tackled from the outside of the boat. I would have thought that if the enfield Z Drive is leaking oil it is a gasket and the drive needs a service by one who knows. If the Gasket has gone the bellows may need changing too. In the mean time the oil level should be maintained so it depends on the extent of the leak. i have been told that oil can be added by wadeing in shallow water.
Now the bad news last winter I had to have by Z Drive sorted down on the Thames as well as a "Basic Service" they found worn bushes and the bill came to over
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Enfield oil leak

Post by terrapin »

Hi Heathcliffe. About your oil leak, most times it comes from either the big black rubber gaitor when it perishes, or from the oil seals at the very bottom, on the prop shaft behind the propellor. With the gaitor you really need to know what youre doing, and with the oil seal, depending on the age and condition of the outdrive (whether or not the bottom leg bolts will come undone) its relatively easy and could be done without taking off the whole leg. Incidently, there are 2 oil seals at this point.
A second hand gearbox in good nick can be very expensive, even more so a new one. Bob Knowles in Leicester has the grip on all parts, but a firm called sonic something can get hold of them too. look back in some of the blogs, theres a reference to sonic in there somewhere.
If all else fails, leave another message on here, I'll catch up with it later on....regards...Terrapin
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Enfield oil leak

Post by terrapin »

ps to the last message...DONT overfill the outdrive with oil..it expands when warm and will definately blow the oil seals or even worse, blow the gaitor.
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Enfield oil leak

Post by martin »

Is the leak in the Z drive, or the J type gear box? Sheridan Marine are very knowledgable and helpful. Contact them on 01491 652085 info@britishseagull.co.uk
Sheridan Boatyard, Moulsford, Oxfordshire, OX10 9HU

They can send you a copy of the WaterMota J Type Marine Gearbox manual. Also they supply spares for the Enfield Outleg Z Drive.

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